
合资 少于50人 广告 公关/市场推广/会展


上海美凯信广告有限公司是国内最早专业从事医药广告整合传播和医药市场服务的企业之一,公司不仅具备一批高素质的医学、广告、创意和互动媒体人才,而且在多家医科院校和综合医院中拥有一个涉及基础和临床各学科的专业顾问团。 在与国际跨国制药集团的长期、良好的业务合作中,美凯信在医药市场这个特殊的专业领域内积累了相当丰富的经验, 其业务范围涵盖处方药、OTC产品、医疗器械和营养品的市场服务。 公司提供国内外旅游,丰厚奖金,缴纳四金,职业规划培训等福利。 上海总公司: 地 址:上海复旦生命科学园区,上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路446弄1号伊泰利大厦5楼D座 邮政编码: 200031 北京分公司: 地 址: 北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号 建外SOHO 14号楼 503室 邮政编码: 100022 Shanghai Medithink Advertising Co., Ltd. is one of the most professional companies which major in healthcare communications and marketing service in china. The company has not only many high qualified medical, advertising, creative and interactive talents, but also a large number of consultants in the medical colleges and the class A hospitals. Through the long term cooperation with several worldwide pharmaceutical companies , Shanghai Medithink Advertising Co., Ltd. has accumulated a wealth of experiences in the specialized medical marketing,it's business service has covered the pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and nutrition products. 电子邮箱: linn.zhou@medithink.com.cn 电话:021-64158050x819 联系人:Linn Zhou

公司地址:上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路446弄1号伊泰利大厦5楼D座 (邮编:200031)
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